Trustee Elections

Meg Wright |

Opportunities to become more involved with the Voluntary Sector Studies Network.

VSSN is volunteer-led, and we rely on members to help shape our direction and focus. If you would you like to support the work of VSSN and have ideas about how you’d like to see the network develop, please consider nominating yourself for a place on the VSSN Board of Trustees.

VSSN Trustees – This year there are 5 vacancies on the Trustee Board for a three-year term. Specific roles of trustees are allocated by agreement after the election. Roles include Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and leading on, for example, membership, communications and marketing, day seminars, and the annual conference.

What are we looking for in a trustee? – Commitment to VSSN and its continued success is the most important quality. This year we are keen to encourage self-nominations from members with skills to help with VSSN’s communications work, as well as those with skills and experience in leadership, equality, diversity and inclusion work, grants management, event planning, and membership development. We particularly encourage self-nominations from members of underrepresented groups.

Details of existing Trustee Board members and their roles can be found here. Elected trustees are expected to agree to and uphold our Equality and Diversity Policy.

Please note that this year there are no vacancies for the VSR Editorial Management Board (EMB).

Additional volunteer opportunities – If you would like to be more involved without becoming a trustee, there are other voluntary roles which are equally valuable. For example, we are keen to involve more volunteers in teams developing VSSN’s work in communications and membership development.

If you are interested in finding out more about any of these roles, please contact Carol (VSSN Chair) at

If you have any questions about the self-nomination process, please do not hesitate to contact us by email via We look forward to receiving your nomination forms soon.

Important information about the nomination process – please read!

For your nomination to be considered, you must have paid your VSSN membership fee and had its receipt confirmed by the VSSN office before the closing date for nominations on 11th October 2024.

It is a self-nomination process, and you do not need to be nominated by someone else. The nomination form is attached.

All completed nomination forms must be received by 5pm on 11th October 2024 as an email attachment sent to

All VSSN members will be notified of the nominations received. If elections are necessary, details of an online ballot will be sent by email to all members a few days later.

Results of the election will be announced at the on-line VSSN Annual General Meeting, which will be held on 26th November 2024. At this point new VSSN trustees will formally become active.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about the nomination and election process.