The new researchers’ network is for those working, studying or researching in the third or voluntary sector. The network is aimed at any researcher who is new to the sector, which could include PhD students, early career researchers or experienced researchers who have changed sector.
The new researchers’ network is an informal group which functions, as does its parent body VSSN, to promote the advancement of knowledge about, and understanding of, organisations between the market and the state. It provides a virtual and actual meeting point for scholars and researchers both outside and within the voluntary (third or non-profit) sector(s), with a shared analytic interest in this set of institutions. It is multidisciplinary, seeking to engage economists, historians, political scientists, sociologists, policy analysts and others. It aspires to a UK wide focus.
The primary focus of the network is the UK but each year we welcome participants from other countries to join us and enrich our understanding by presenting their own work. The working language of the network is English. We organise a free new researchers’ event alongside the VSSN/NCVO/IVR research conference in September. It’s a place for new researchers to present their work in a supportive environment.