23rd May 2019
The Circle, Sheffield , United Kingdom
Thursday 23rd May, The Circle, Rockingham Lane, Sheffield City Centre
The last VSSN day conference was held in Sheffield and focused on small charities, community groups, ‘below the radar’[i] organisations, and informal grassroots action.
The seminar brought researchers together with practitioners working or volunteering for small and community-based organisations and groups, to reflect on the day-to-day challenges faced in such work and action, and help build a collective research and policy agenda in this area.
Download programme and abstracts here
Presentations available to download as follows:
Community asset transfer (CAT) of leisure facilities – small volunteer-group management Lindsay Findlay-King (Northumbria University) (panel co-ordinator), Geoff Nichols (Sheffield University), Katrina Foxton (York University), Tom Archer & Ian Wilson (Sheffield Hallam University), & Daryl Porter (Sheffield City Council)
Local History Cafe at the Sir John Moore Foundation Katherine Brown (Director of Crafting Relationships) & Sonia Liff (Volunteer at the Sir John Moore Foundation)
Coproduction of primary education: A local case study analysis of the establishment of a parent council Alison Body (University of Kent) & Jennifer Ross (Chair of Parent Council)
Informal volunteering, gender, and class Jon Dean (Sheffield Hallam University)
Behind Closed Doors: An exploratory study of differential accounts in UK service clubs David Yates (Aston University)
[i]For example, see: McCabe, A. (2018) ‘Ten Years Below the Radar: Reflections on Voluntary and Community Action’, TSRC Working Paper 143, November 2018 https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/generic/tsrc/documents/tsrc/working-papers/10-years-below-the-radar-final.pdf
Bookings are closed for this event.