VSSN Small Grants

VSSN Small Grant Scheme Application Form for 2024 Funding Call
Thank you for your interest in the VSSN Grant Scheme 2024. Please refer to the Guidance Notes when completing this form. These are located at the foot of the page. Please note that there are strict word limits. The Grants Committee look forward to receiving your completed application.
* denotes a mandatory field

Lead applicant details


Project Details

Please outline the engagement activity for which you are seeking funding and explain how it meets the objectives of the VSSN Small Grant Scheme (Max. 400 words).
0 of 400 max words.
Who is the intended audience and why have you selected this approach to engage with it? (Max. 200 words)
0 of 200 max words.
Briefly outline how you will deliver the proposed activity (e.g. what is your chosen venue, how will you promote the event, which networks will you engage with, what is the timescale?). (Max. 400 words)
0 of 400 max words.
What do you hope will be the benefit / legacy of this activity? (Max. 200 words)
0 of 200 max words.
Please provide a project budget including a breakdown of anticipated costs (e.g. travel, refreshments, venue hire). Please indicate if you will you be able to obtain match funding or in-kind support from your organisation or other source and provide details.
I confirm I will adhere to the ethical approval process and ethical standards mandated by my organisation for research activities.


VSSN Small Grant Guidance Notes 2024