This page provides the video recording from the online VSSN day seminar on Women and girls, feminism, and the voluntary sector, which took place on the 8th November 2022.
Ten years evaluating gendered interventions
How schools shape volunteering
Analyzing the Feminist Potential of Time Banks
Shifting power to front line organisations
Girl voice and leadership through crisis and change
00:00:01 Welcome Jon Dean, VSSN
Increasing gender balance in nonprofit CEO positions: How women make it to the top. Jennifer Kruwinnus, Queensland University of Technology
Ten years evaluating gendered interventions for vulnerable women and girls: What works? Louise Warwick-Booth, Ruth Cross and Susan Coan, Leeds Beckett University.
Analysing the feminist potential of time banks. Juliette Wilson-Thomas, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Shifting power to frontline women’s organisations. Rosie Learmonth and Kathy Siddle, Smallwood Trust
Exploring the ways that schools shape experiences of volunteering for working class girls. Emma Taylor-Collins and Emily Lau, Social Care Wales and University of Kent.
Girl Voice and Leadership through Crisis and Change: How voluntary organisations and opportunities can empower girls and young women. Sarah Dickins and Leah Widdicombe, Girlguiding UK.
Women and girl’s organisations: mapping a ‘hidden’ sector and its funding.
Lorna Dowrick, Chris Damm and Cathy Harris, Sheffield Hallam University.
Discussion: next steps in learning, research, and practice.