The second issue of VSSN”s new journal Voluntary Sector Review will be published in July 2010. A print copy of the journal is included as a benefit of membership of the Network; you can join here. Volume 1 Issue 2 will have the following contents: Research articles Ingo Bode -Thinking beyond borderlines: A German gaze […]
News - page 20
Extended deadline for the NCVO/VSSN Annual Research Conference
The deadline for abstracts for the NCVO/VSSN Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference 2010 has been extended by 2 weeks to the 7 May. Further details appear at here.
Tender for the VSSN Executive Officer role issued
Chris Cornforth writes:- In the early years of VSSN all activities were undertaken on a voluntary basis by the members of the Steering Group (who are the organisation’s trustees), and a few other willing helpers. However, since 2007, VSSN has created the role of Executive Officer which is provided under contract. From 2007 to 2010 […]
The first issue of Voluntary Sector Review now available
Peter Halfpenny, the Editor of the journal wrote:- This week, members of VSSN received copies of the first issue of the Network’s new journal, Voluntary Sector Review (VSR), published by The Policy Press. We have already received very positive feedback, which indicates that we are on track to establish the journal as the premier outlet […]
Contents of first issue of Voluntary Sector Review announced
The first issue of VSSN’s new journal Voluntary Sector Review will be published at the beginning of March 2010. A print copy of the journal is included as a benefit of membership of the Network; you can join here. Volume 1 Issue 1 will have the following contents: Editorial: Peter Halfpenny, Pete Alcock, Cathy Pharoah, […]
Message from Chris Cornforth, the new Chair
Chris Cornforth wrote to all VSSN members:- Dear VSSN member, My name is Chris Cornforth and I wanted to introduce myself as the new Chair of the VSSN Steering Group and tell you about some recent changes and developments at VSSN. Changes to the Steering Group Following last year”s elections there have been a number […]
Call for nominations: Steering Group and VSR Editorial Management Board elections
Angela Ellis Paine writes:- Due to the exciting developments that have taken place in the Network this year, there are plenty of opportunities for you to engage in supporting our work. The imminent launch of Voluntary Sector Review (VSR) has in particular opened up new areas for involvement. This year we will be running two […]
6th NCVO/VSSN “Researching the Voluntary Sector” conference
7-8 September 2009, University of Warwick Colin Rochester reflects on this year’s research conference and writes:- The sixth Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference jointly organised by NCVO and VSSN took place at Warwick University on 7 and 8 September. The 2009 event continued to demonstrate the upward momentum in size and quality experienced in recent […]
The VSR International Editorial Advisory Board is now complete
Voluntary Sector Review, the new journal of VSSN, now has 16 members on its International Editorial Advisory Board. They are: Helmut Anheier – UCLA, USARene Bekkers – VU University Amsterdam, The NetherlandsCarlo Borzaga – University of Trento, Italy Jacques Defourny – University of Liege, BelgiumAlnoor Ebrahim – Harvard Business School, USAWendy Earles – James Cook […]