News - page 21

VSSN and your favourite academic journals

The VSSN steering group is trying to raise the profile of the network amongst academic journal editors. We hope to increase the pool of people available to referee papers submitted to academic journals on voluntary and community sector/third sector themes. To help with this, we would be interested to hear your suggestions for the main […]

Call for papers for ARNOVA’s forthcoming conference

VSSN has been working to develop closer relationships with ‘sister’ academic associations in other countries. In this spirit we would like to let people know about the call for papers for ARNOVA’s forthcoming conference this autumn. See VSSN’s key links. ARNOVA – the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action – is the […]

Consolidation and growth: An update on VSSN SG activities

Angela Ellis Paine (VSSN Secretary) wrote:- For those of you unable to attend VSSN last day conference and our AGM, held at Manchester in November, we thought you might like to hear about some of the key activities and developments that have taken place in VSSN over the past few months. Elections: This year’s Steering […]

Third Sector Research Centre launch announced

The Third Sector Research Centre will be launched later this month but it has already begun work and is developing its activities, links and publicity. Close links between VSSN and the centre are planned. More information on this will follow. Pete Alcock, the centre’s director, wrote: “The Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) is a five […]

VSSN steering group: call for nominations

It’s the time of year again when we ask for your help. As you know, VSSN relies on the voluntary commitment of its steering group members (trustees) to organise many of its ongoing functions. While our Executive Officer has enabled us to expand our activities by taking on responsibility in areas such as membership subscriptions […]

VSSN needs members’ views on pricing its new journal

The VSSN Steering Group has been negotiating with The Policy Press over the launch of a new journal and we are pleased to report that they are keen to proceed in principle. The majority of the journal’s content will comprise academic, peer-reviewed articles of around 8,000 words but it will also include two separate sections […]

New ESRC newletter talks about the third sector

The new online newsletter for the ESRC community, eNews, was launched May 2008 and is issued every two months, highlighting funding opportunities, corporate news and other information. If you wish to receive eNews by email, you will need to be a registered user of ESRC Society Today and will need to subscribe. This can be […]

Exciting volunteering opportunity at NCVO/VSSN Research Conference

Some of you may be attending this year’s NCVO/VSSN research conference in Warwick on Tuesday 9 -Wednesday 10 September. If you are, an exciting opportunity has arisen! VSSN will be having a small table in the exhibition area, and is looking for volunteers to help staff the stall during lunch and tea/coffee breaks. What an […]

VSSN members well represented at ISTR Conference

A number of people who are members of VSSN are presenting papers at the forthcoming ISTR Conference in Barcelona in July (9 -12th). The list of all the individual papers and panel sessions is now available on the ISTR website. If you are going to the conference and would like to meet up with VSSN […]

Constitutional amendments proposed

Notice of Special General Meeting – to VSSN Members Wednesday 14 May 2008 – 12:30 – 13:00 – University of the West of England, Bristol Under the terms of clause R of the VSSN Constitution, the Secretary (Angela Ellis Paine) hereby gives notice of a Special General Meeting (SGM) of VSSN Members to be held […]