News - page 23

VSSN Treasurer awarded chair

Long-standing VSSN member, Trustee and Treasurer Gareth Morgan has been appointed to a personal chair and now has the title Professor of Charity Studies at Sheffield Hallam University. In congratulating Gareth today, Peter Halfpenny (VSSN chairperson) described this appointment as “particularly fitting and probably unique”. Gareth himself added “I think there are still only around […]

ESRC third sector website under VSSN spotlight

VSSN members have been asked to scrutinise and feed back on a new web site under development by the ESRC. Amanda Williams of ESRC’s Knowledge Transfer team wrote:- “The ESRC are in the process of developing a new website, which will have a number of different web homepages for particular audiences. I would be grateful […]

Could you transform VSSN for £3000/year?

Gareth Morgan writes, on behalf of the VSSN Steering Group…The Voluntary Sector Studies Network (VSSN) is a UK-wide charity bringing together researchers intererested in the voluntary sector. Many are based in universities (staff or research students) but our membership also include researchers based in voluntary organisations, and individual freelance researchers. Following the huge response of […]

UK Charitable Giving and Philanthropy Research Centre

Peter Halfpenny, who submitted a consultation response on behalf of VSSN, writes The proposal for a UK Charitable Giving and Philanthropy Research Centre was first mooted by the government in the 2005 Home Office publication ‘A Generous Society’ ( The Centre will be established in 2007 with funding from the Office of the Third Sector, […]

VSSN achieves Charity Commission registration

Gareth Morgan, VSSN Treasurer and Membership Secretary, reported today that VSSN had received confirmation that it is now a registered charity – number 1114742. He continued:- “I think this marks the completion of quite a few steps begun in 2002/03 to move VSSN on from being an informal unconstituted network to a fully recognised body […]